2007.06.06. 18:07
Hurt szvege angolul s magyarul!
Seems like it was yesterday when i saw your face You told me how proud you were, but i walked away If only i knew what i know today Ooh ooh
I would hold you in my arms I would take the pain away Thank you for all you've done Forgive all your mistakes There's nothing i wouldn't do To hear your voice again Sometimes i wanna call you But i know you won't be there
Ooh, i'm sorry for blaming you For everything i just couldn't do And i've hurt myself by hurting you
Some days i feel broke inside, but i wouldn't admit Sometimes i just wanna hide, cuz it's you i miss And it's so hard to say goodbye When comes to this, ooh
Would you tell me i was wrong? Would you help me understand? Are you looking down upon me? Are you proud of who i am? There's nothing i wouldn't do To have just one more chance To look into you eyes And see you are looking back
Ooh, i'm sorry for blaming you For everything i just couldn't do And i've hurt myself Oo-ooh
If i had just one more day I would tell you how much that I missed you since you went away
Oo-ooh It's dangerous It's so out of line To try and turn back time
I'm sorry for blaming you For everything i just couldn't do And i’ve hurt myself... hurting you
Versszak 1.:
Mintha csak tegnap lett volna, amikor meglttalak. Elmondtad mennyire bszke vagy rm, de n tovbblptem. Ha tudtam volna, amit most tudok...
Szeretnlek a karjaimban tartani,szeretnm a fjdalmat elengedni. Ksznm amit tettl, elfelejtem a hibidat.
Nincs olyan, amit meg nem tennk, hogy jra hallhassam a hangodat. Nha fel akarlak hvni, de tudom, hogy nem leszel ott.
Sajnlom, hogy tged hibztattalak, mindent, amit nem tudtam megtenni. s megbntottam magam azzal, hogy megbntottalak.
Versszak 2.
Nhanapjn azt rzem, hogy bell teljesen sszetrtem, de nem hiszem. Nha csak elbjni akarok, mert elvesztettelek.s nehz a bcszs, amikor eljn az a pillanat.
Mondd el, mirt voltam rossz, Segts ezt megrteni. Amikor rmnzel, tudjam, hogy bszke vagy arra, aki vagyok.
Nincs amit meg nem tennk, hogy legyen mg egy eslyem, hogy a szemdbe nzhessek, s te vissza rm.
Ha lenne mg egy napom, elmondtanm hogyan engedtelek el jra...
Ohh ez borzalmas... Ez mr tl rossz...
Csak prblj meg visszafordulni az idben...